Date Prompts based on Radio Button Selection
Business Case:
Many a times, you may want to give users the option to run the report for predefined date ranges (prior month, prior year etc) or enter custom dates. When the user selects a predefined option, the date prompt should be disabled. When the user selects "Custom" the date prompt should be enabled. This needs to be done to avoid confusion in the prompt page.
A daily scheduled report runs for the prior day. Users want to use the same report for custom dates as well. If they want to run the report for a historical data, they should be able to select a date or date range.
We will be using Javascript to manipulate the Radio Button and date prompts. We will attach an HTML "On Change" event to the radio buttons, which will trigger a function. Depending on the selection, the function will disable or hide the date prompt.
- To start with, create a radio button with necessary static values. E.g. "Yesterday" and "Custom"
- Set the "Required" property to "No". This is very important. If this is not done, the "Finish" button will not be enabled.
- Create a Date Prompt and set the "Required" property to "No".
- We will need 3 HTML Items.
- Place the first HTML item immediately before the date prompt and the second HTML item immediately after the date prompt.
- These two HTML items will create a handle for the date prompt.
- Place the third HTML item at the end of the page. This will contain the main script.
- I created a table and placed the prompts inside them. When you have done this, the prompt page layout will look like this:
- Place the following script in HTML Item 1:
<span id="date_prompt">
- Place the following script in HTML Item 2:
- Place the following script in HTML Item 3, the main script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var list_box = new Array();
/****Identify Radio Buttons and load them into an array****/
var radio_buttons = new Array();
radio_buttons[j] = inputs[i];
/****Set the onclick event of each radio button option to trigger our custom function****/
/****Create a handle for date prompt****/
var prompt = document.getElementById("date_prompt").childNodes[0];
function ToggleDate()
/**** First options (in our case "Custom") is selected.****
**** Date Prompt will be Shown or Enabled. ****/
//document.getElementById("date_prompt").style.display = '';
prompt.disabled = '';
/**** Second options (in our case "Yesterday") is selected.****
**** Date Prompt will be Hidden or Disabled. ****/
//document.getElementById("date_prompt").style.display = 'none';
prompt.disabled = 'true';
- Now when you run the report depending on the radio button you select, the date prompt will be disabled on enabled.
- If you want to hide the date prompt instead of disabling it, comment out (add // in front) the following lines
prompt.disabled = '';
prompt.disabled = 'true';
- and uncomment (remove // from front) the following lines:
//document.getElementById("date_prompt").style.display = '';
//document.getElementById("date_prompt").style.display = 'none';
- Note that the code for disabling works only for date prompts, whereas the code for hiding works for any element that you put between the two HTML items.
- The last step is to create a filter the combines both the prompt selections.
- This filter should be set to "Optional".
- In my example, the prompts are named as date_type (radio button) and report_date (date prompt). The filter expression will be:
(?date_type? = 'custom' and [Order Date] = cast(?report_date?,date))
?date_type? = 'yesterday' and [Order Date] = trunc(_add_days(current_date,-1))
Note: Refer to "Use the Same Report for Scheduling and Manual Run" to see more details about how to structure the filter expressions in these cases.- When you run the report, the prompt page will look like this:
- When the "Custom" option is selected the date prompt will still be enabled. See below:
- When the "Yesterday" option is selected the date prompt will be disabled, like this:
- Once the prompt page is done, you would want to add the date selection in the report page, so that users know what range they selected.
- I do this by creating a data item in the report query: Report Date
- The expression for Report Date would be something like this:
When ?date_type? = 'custom' Then cast(?report_date?,date))
When ?date_type? = 'yesterday' Then trunc(_add_days(current_date,-1))
- You can now create a singleton item on the report page and drag this data item to the page.
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