Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Inserting list row cells in the list header

  1. Create a list Report with the required data items.
2.  After creating the list report go to toolbar
Structure>Headers & Footers>Create Header.
3. By using the Ancestor select the list, in properties pane change the Column Titles to“At start of details” , list header will be appear in the top.
4.  If we want appear heading  on all pages, select List Header by using Ancestor and in the properties pane click on pagination then check Repeat every page.
5.  Click on the list cell and from toolbar go to
Structure> Headers & Footers> Split List Row Cell.
6.  Select  the list row cells that you want to merge and from toolbar go to
Structure> Headers & Footers> Merge List Row Cells.
7.  After merging, if you want to add the text to that cell go to text in the properties pane of list cell and change it to appropriate text.
8.  If you want to have more than one row go to
Structure> Header & Footer > Insert List Row cells Below.
9.  Now  select the adjacent rows and merge them from
Structure > Header & Footers > Merge List rows Cells
10.  Insert text item into the merged rows and give appropriate text.
11.  If you want to hide any of the cells go to properties of list cell and in the Box Type check None, then it will hide the cell.
12.  The final report will look as below

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